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Swagelok Idaho

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Tech Talks - Technical Instruction in a Webinar Setting

Tech Talks with Swagelok® - Compressed Gas

Tech Talks with Swagelok® - Grab Sampling

Tech Talks with Swagelok® - Valves

Theory & Operation of Pressure Reducing Regulators

How to Properly Select & Size a Pressure Reducing Regulator

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Tech Talks with Swagelok® is a quarterly webinar series where we connect subject matter experts and customers on a wide range of topics. Improve working knowledge, and as a bonus, potentially earn personal development credit hours while you're at it.

What to expect

  • Non-sales environment - just the facts, please.
  • Relevant topics - information that will propel your performance and business forward.
  • Subject matter experts - these people know their stuff.
  • Potential to earn personal development hours.
  • If you can't make the scheduled time, register anyway and we'll send you the recorded video.
  • Q&A - most presenters will leave time at the end for questions.

Upcoming Schedule  

We are currently taking suggestions for the upcoming year. Leave a vote or a suggestion for a topic that interests you. Thank you!