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Swagelok Idaho

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Compressed Gas Leak Detection Services

Minimize Leaks. Maximize Efficiency.


Though certain variables (e.g. cost of electricity supplied to your facility, size of leak, etc.) will determine the costs associated with an under performing system, one thing we've found to be consistent: cycling or constantly running compressors are costly, both in terms of energy usage, or maintenance and possible replacement.

We recently completed an evaluation for a customer's compressed gas system. The customer's system is online approximately 8,760 hrs/year, and the facility pays $0.10/kWh for electricity. Given these variables, our findings were thus: Keep in mind the data displayed here does not take into account maintenance costs as a part of total savings.

compressed gas costs

What could your facility do with an extra $98k in your annual budget?

A single leak can cost $391/year, and a leak registering at 2.3 CFM isn't "big" as far as leaks go, but it's easy to see how quickly the costs can add up - how many leaks are in your facility?

cost of leaks compressed gas

So what does Compressed Gas Leak Detection Service from Swagelok look like?

What to Expect

  • A visual inspection of compressed gas systems.
  • Source and cost of leaks through the use of ultrasonic leak detectors and Snoop®.
  • A detailed report including leak location and size allowing personnel to set a maintenance schedule.
  • A prioritized list of recommendations that help you eliminate leakage and conserve valuable resources.

We're here to help you minimize leaks and maximize efficiency. Click or tap the button below or contact your account manager and get started today!


*Though this data represents an actual report we provided to one of our customers, total savings will vary based on number of leaks, size of leaks, orifice size, cost of electricity, operating hours and other factors. 


Gas Distribution Program

If you are ready to look at solutions to challenges caused by underperforming gas distribution systems, or if you are looking to reduce the cost of maintaining these systems, we can help. Whether it's having our Swagelok-certified advisors perform an evaluation of your current system, or leaning on our design and assembly services, we can help you find solutions to your most challenging problems.