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Swagelok Idaho

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Steam System Evaluation Services

Keep Energy Costs in Check

In the U.S., steam systems are the single largest consumer of energy in the industrial sector, where they account for over 30% of annual onsite energy use.The applications these systems feed are often critical, but what if thousands of dollars are evaporating into the atmosphere annually?

steam cost and payback

When deciding to tackle something that runs in the background for most facilities, it often becomes critical to be able to realize a return on investment to receive buy-in from executive management. We call this "payback" and according to the U.S. Department of Energy payback on energy efficiency projects for steam are typically shorter than 12 months2, and perhaps sooner depending on the facility in question. When your steam system runs more efficiently your utility costs can decrease dramatically, saving your company time and money.

So what does a steam evaluation from Swagelok look like?

What to Expect

  • A complete steam system analysis.
  • A detailed report of our findings including leak location and size, allowing personnel to arrange a maintenance schedule.
  • A prioritized list of recommendations that help you eliminate leakage and conserve valuable resources.
  • Payback realized (for most facilities) within 1 year.

If you would like to find out if your steam system is costing you unnecessarily, and how you can improve the performance of your steam system, we're here to help.

Click or tap the button below or contact your account manager and get started today!

1 Brueske S, Sabouni R, Zach C, Andres H. US Manufacturing Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis; 2012. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN; 2012. ORNL/TM-2012/504.
2 BestPractices Steam Overview. (2002, December). Retrieved April 4, 2017, from