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Swagelok Idaho

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Design & Assembly Service Supports Your Job Role

Our assembly services can have a positive impact on multiple areas of your business. See how this service can support you in your job role.



 Design support — 3D CAD drawings bring your ideas to life
 Align limited resources — accomplish more with less
 Correct product specification — lean on our expertise
 System-ready assembly — each assembly pressure tested before delivery
 Quality assurance — assemblies backed by industry best Swagelok Limited Lifetime Warranty
 Reduce downtime — "plug & play-ability" allows for speedy completion of projects through ease of installation


 Quality Swagelok components — minimize premature change out of connections
 System-ready assembly — reduce chance of errors during installation
 Maintain project/maintenance schedules — take one more to-do off your list
 Reduce waste — exactly what you need when you need it
 Quality assurance — assemblies backed by industry best Swagelok Limited Lifetime Warranty
 Optimize layout/access to existing systems — space-saving optimization
 Elevate safety & performance — avoid small mistakes that turn into big rework costs


 Streamline ordering process — one PO and one part number
 Added third-party components possible — manage one vendor
 Simplify delivery — zero chance of unplanned split deliveries
 Simplify receiving — save time/space in managing inventory
 Eliminate returns to vendor — remove opportunity for incorrect product selection

Put us to work! See how we can help with your next project. Shoot us an email or call 208.524.2342