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Swagelok Idaho

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Emissions Testing & Reporting

Stop the Leaks

Leaking connections are costing you money and potentially putting your people at risk. Leaks can damage equipment, hurt production, cause product contamination, and create unsafe working conditions and other health hazards. Take advantage of our leak testing service and get to the bottom of the cause of leaks in your system.

leak sizes detected by Snoop®

What to Expect

  • A representative from your facility should accompany our field personnel for all testing so as to assure validity of the results.
  • You select the area of the facility where gas (not liquid) service is common - air - natural gas - hydrogen - helium, etc.
  • All fittings in a given area, regardless of brand, plus all small valve tube ends and packings will be tested. 
  • We'll show you how to visually identify fittings of other manufacturers so that the test results can be validated.
  • A detailed report showing leak rate, associated costs of leaks, comparative leak rates by brand, suggestions for improvement, and more!

Contact your local account manager, call your local sales and service center, or email us directly and stop the leaks today!

Contact us

Training Programs

Want to get out ahead of the leaks? One of the best investments any facility can make is to invest in the training of personnel, both in-house and any contractors on site. We can work with your team to establish regular training events, ensuring that anyone installing or maintaining your fluid systems has the proper know-how to keep leaks at bay.

Visit our training page for more information and to see which training classes are available.

Learn more about training