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Swagelok Idaho

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Design & Assembly Capabilities

With over 290,000 end item product variations and item product variations, the possibilities for your custom assembly are unlimited. Here are a few of our most common assemblies we do for customers. Not seeing what you're looking for? Give us a call at 208.524.2342 or shoot us an email, and we'll be in touch to discuss your needs.

swaging and threading Tube Swaging & Threading Sub-assemblies
tube bending and cuttingTube Bending & Cutting
hose fabricationHose Fabrication & Assembly
orbital weldingOrbital Welding
valve actuatorsAutomated Valve Accuation
gas sticksGas Sticks
regulator assembliesRegulator Assemblies 
panel assembliesPanel Assemblies
distribution manifoldsDistribution Manifolds
sample cylinder assembliesSample Cylinder Assembly
regulator stationRegulator Station
differential transferDifferential Transfer Pressure Systems
fluid system designYour Next Big Idea